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RAAP Online Frequently Asked Questions
For General RAAP FAQ’s please click here - http://www.raap.ie/index.php?go=raap-faq
How do I register for online access?
Select ‘Register’ and enter the information required. A password link will be emailed to the address provided. Follow this link to complete registration.
If I am already a RAAP member why do I need to register?
To gain access online a password needs to be generated for you. This is completed by registering.
I need a membership number before I can register?
Yes, a valid RAAP membership number is required to gain access to the online system.
Do I need to change the password I receive?
The password automatically generated for you is unique to you. RAAP do not have access to member’s passwords. It might be recommend though to change the password into something more memorable to you.
How do I change or what do I do if I have forgotten my password?
If you wish to change your password or request a new one please select ‘Change Password’ from the toolbar and follow the steps provided.
Your Details
The details you have are incorrect, how do I update them?
If you wish to update your details please select the ‘edit’ button at the bottom of the screen. You can now amend the information as you wish. Once complete please click ‘update’.
Why are some fields blank?
A number of fields may be blank if this information has not been provided by you. To add information please select ‘edit’ and update the data as necessary.
I have submitted new details, how long before they appear online?
All information will be updated online within two working days.
Payment Details
Fields Explained:
Date – this is the date the payment was issued.
Transaction – this is the method used to issue the payment.
Amount – this is the value of the payment issued.
Details –
‘Pay Details’ = this creates a PDF statement of the payment.
‘VAT Invoice’ = if you are VAT registered this generates a PDF VAT invoice.
‘Fee Invoice’ = if you are VAT registered this generates a PDF fee invoice.
Expand Details – This opens up the breakdown for the selected payment. By clicking the ‘+’ sign this expands the payment into the individual transactions it is made up of, and where available the track information.
Export to Excel – this allows the data to be exported to excel for your reference.
Why do all transactions not have track information?
Not all payments RAAP receive from our sister societies come with track information. This information is always requested but due to the differing nature of distribution systems amongst societies it is not always possible for this level of data to be provided.
Update Recordings
Fields Explained:
Main Artist - The name of the performer or group. It is imperative that we receive the full name of the main artist. For compilation albums please list each artist individually, 'Various Artists' will not suffice.
Album Title - The title of the album you are registering.
Record Company - The name of the record company the recording is released under.
Catalogue Number - The catalogue number of the recording released.
Country of Recording - The country the record was recorded in.
ISRC No. – The International Standard Recording Code allocated to each album/track.
Track Title - The title of the track you are registering.
Role(s) - The instrument/vocal input you have made to the recording.
No. of Performers on Track - The number of people who have made a sound contribution to the recording.
Contribution Category Featured/Non-Featured - A featured artist is the main artist, e.g. a member of the band/ensemble/solo performer etc. A non-featured artist is a session musician hired for those recordings.
I have submitted new details, how long before they appear online?
All information will be updated online within two working days.